Biden and Trump Face Off in First US Presidential Debate

During the first US presidential debate hosted by CNN, President Joe Biden struggled significantly against former President Donald Trump, highlighting concerns about Biden’s age and mental acuity, Associated Press reports.

Biden, 81, struggled with his delivery, often losing his train of thought, raising concerns among Democrats about his age and capacity. Trump, 78, appeared more vigorous and confident, despite making repeated false claims. The debate addressed various topics, including the economy, immigration, and abortion. Trump refused to back down on his vows to prosecute political opponents and to condemn the Jan. 6 Capitol rioters, while Biden’s inconsistent and sometimes confusing responses, particularly on the economy and abortion, further undermined his performance.

The debate included contentious moments on abortion, with Trump misleadingly asserting that overturning Roe v. Wade was universally desired. On immigration, Trump made exaggerated claims about border security, while Biden highlighted his administration’s efforts to reduce illegal border crossings. The economy was a key topic, with Biden defending his record and Trump attacking his handling of inflation. Biden’s strongest moment came when he defended veterans, contrasting with Trump’s past derogatory comments about them.

Overall, Trump’s confident performance contrasted sharply with Biden’s faltering one, raising further concerns among Democrats about Biden’s ability to effectively counter Trump in the upcoming election.

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