Dutch PM Mark Rutte Set to Become Next NATO Chief After Romania’s President Withdraws

Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis has withdrawn his candidacy for NATO Secretary General, clearing the path for outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who is expected to assume the role starting October 1, Associated Press reports.

The decision comes after Romania’s security council backed Rutte’s bid, aiming to showcase NATO unity amid global challenges, particularly in support of Ukraine. Iohannis informed NATO of his withdrawal last week, effectively removing Rutte’s final obstacle in securing the position. The move comes after Hungary recently lifted its veto on Rutte’s candidacy after he provided assurances that Budapest would not be compelled to participate in NATO’s new initiatives to support Ukraine. Turkey, which had previously opposed Rutte’s bid, also withdrew its objections earlier this year

Mark Rutte, who has served as Dutch Prime Minister for a decade, emerged as the favored candidate among many NATO members to succeed Jens Stoltenberg, the current Secretary General who has held the position since 2014. NATO leaders are expected to finalize the decision during their upcoming meeting in Washington.

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