World Leaders Meet in Switzerland to Discuss Ukraine Peace Roadmap, Russia Absent

World leaders gathered in Switzerland to discuss peace for Ukraine amid the ongoing war, despite Russia’s absence, Associated Press reports.

The war, over two years old, shows no signs of ending, with Ukraine demanding Russia leave seized territories and Russia continuing its offensive. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized the importance of collective efforts to end the conflict. The conference aimed to balance criticizing Russia for breaking international law while keeping the door open for future peace talks. The event aimed to determine steps toward a just peace, with a follow-up summit expected to focus on ending the war. Discussions centered on nuclear safety, prisoner exchanges, and global food security.

Attendees included representatives from various global regions, but no Russian delegates, which Zelensky pointed out as evidence of Russia’s lack of interest in peace. Notable participants included Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the US Vice President Kamala Harris, who announced $1.5 billion in new US aid for Ukraine. Some countries like China and Brazil, which have ties with Russia, did not attend.

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