Elon Musk Sues OpenAI and CEO Sam Altman for Abandoning Original Mission

Elon Musk has filed a lawsuit against OpenAI and its CEO Sam Altman, alleging a breach of their founding agreement to keep the organization as a nonprofit focused on developing technology for the benefit of humanity, Associated Press reports.

Musk claims that OpenAI’s collaboration with Microsoft contradicts its original purpose as a nonprofit organization and is now prioritizing profit over public benefit. The lawsuit seeks to prevent any entity, including Microsoft, from benefiting from OpenAI’s technology and alleges breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and unfair business practices.

Musk, an early investor in OpenAI, resigned from its board in 2018, citing potential conflicts of interest. The lawsuit sheds light on internal disputes within OpenAI, sparked by Altman’s removal as CEO and subsequent reinstatement, allegedly influenced by Microsoft.

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