Italy’s Meloni Unveils Plan to Promote Africa Development and Curb Migration at Summit

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni presented a development plan for Africa at a summit of African leaders, aiming to address migration issues, diversify energy sources, and establish a mutually beneficial relationship between Europe and Africa, Associated Press reports.

The plan, named after Enrico Mattei, involves pilot projects in education, healthcare, water, sanitation, agriculture, and energy infrastructure. The plan includes an initial endowment of 5.5 billion euros in loans, gifts, and guarantees. Meloni emphasized creating jobs and opportunities in Africa to discourage dangerous migrations across the Mediterranean.

However, the plan was met with caution by African Union Commission Chairman Moussa Faki Mahamat, who emphasized the need for concrete actions over empty promises. Critics argue it lacks consultation with African leaders and civil society groups, viewing it as potentially neocolonial.

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