Putin Drives Across Crimean Bridge in a Mercedes

On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin drove a Mercedes across the Kerch Bridge that connects the Crimean peninsula with southern Russia.

Putin was accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin and appeared on state television visiting the bridge and examining the damages it sustained two months ago.

“We are driving on the right hand side. The left side of the bridge, as I understand it, is in working condition, but nevertheless it needs to be completed. It still suffered a little, we need to bring it to an ideal state.”

– Vladimir Putin, President of Russia

In 2018, the President personally opened the 19 km road and rail bridge, which is Europe’s longest bridge.

On Oct. 8, a day after Putin’s 70th birthday, the bridge was partly damaged in a bombing. Ukraine never claimed responsibility, but Russia’s Federal Security Service dispute it.

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