Unknown Rocket Crashed Into the Moon, No Nation Has Claimed It

NASA scientists are perplexed by whose spacecraft that crashed into the moon, leaving two sizable craters behind.
"The double crater was unexpected and may indicate that the body had large masses at each end. Typically a spent rocket has mass concentrated at the motor end; the rest of the rocket stage mainly consists of an empty fuel tank. Since the origin of the rocket body remains uncertain, the double nature of the crater may indicate its identity."

On March 4, the spacecraft hit the lunar surface after being tracked through space since 2015, but no one has claimed it.

Bill Gray, an astronomer who developed software that tracks objects in space, initially believed it belonged to SpaceX, now he suspects it to be China's 2014 lunar mission, Chang'e 5-T1.

However, China claim their rocket had "safely entered the Earth's atmosphere and was completely incinerated".
At least 47 NASA rockets have caused "spacecraft impacts" on the moon, according to 2016 data from Arizona State University.

But no previous rocket body impacts on the moon "made twin craters",  according to experts.
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